Leading The Way In The Bay.
Featured product
Market Your Wash 24/7 with the LaserGlow Arch!
Turn your standard LaserWash 360 ‘wash arm’ into the most advanced illuminated wash arm option in the industry today with the LaserGlow Arch.
The LaserGlow Arch’s LED lights offer over 1100 lumens for maximum brightness and have infinite colors and patterns available to create a more memorable experience — before, during, and after the wash process.
Learn how easy it is to add this BUISNESS GENERATING upgrade to your existing wash by contacting us today.
World-Renowned In-Bay Automatic Car Wash Equipment
Car wash operators have long recognized the PDQ brand as synonymous with In-Bay Automatic success. For decades, PDQ has set the standard for quality while continually energizing and inspiring the category with a constant eye toward what’s next.
Serving the car wash industry with innovative solutions designed to drive revenue for your business.
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Our team of experienced professionals will quickly provide you with fast friendly assistance regarding any service needs you may have.